Mr.s Vincent Pagniucci and R. Alex Ubeda helped construct a new fence for the old chicken run. Drenched in sweat, we worked hard for three days, pulling up the rusty wire and rotting wood from many years of patchwork fencing, digging holes and hammering nails. Luckily, there was cold beer at hand, warm meals a la Sarah, and the swimming wool shimmering in the fading evening light. The coop now contains a peacock, a peahen, a full-grown chicken (and our only egg-layer so far), six white broiler chicks who we've raised from babies (including Peep-Peep, aka Cheep-Cheep, and Busted Head), and two retarded hens who are recovering from life in a commercial chickenhouse, crammed in cages and pumped full of chemicals . . . they can hardly walk and are terribly pathetic. We've also found a tortoise in there who appears once in a while.