Monday, January 26, 2009

Kenny's Master Plan for Spring Season '09


Robyn said...

I am so jealous right now. Can you start a CSA that delivers to Florida?

Also, Kenny, I'll give you ten bucks if you can get Sarah to eat more than half the vegetables you're growing. (I kid, Sarah's come a long way with the veggies)

Jason Williams said...

Nicely laid-out. Makes me think Kenny could be a good city planner. ;) I think you guys will be set for the impending global collapse where money is worthless and food scarce (nah, just kidding, I'm not really one of those doom soothsayers)

Kenny and Sarah said...

Robyn, do they have to be visible or can I chop them up and put them in a pasta sauce or something?

Jason, chances are as soon as we leave the farm and give up our homegrown food is precisely the moment when the global collapse will happen!

Robyn said...

Offer her five bucks. That seems to do the trick. If she hasn't told you the asparagus story yet, now she has to. :)

Kenny and Sarah said...

Kenny, this is seriously amazing! And for $10 I'll eat 3/4!

Everyone is welcome to come help, we can pay you in veggies!!

ESCH said...

Wow, that is so intense! Can't wait to see the fruits of your labor!